Know Your Consumer


By Craig Johns

What do your consumers or members read, listen to, watch, buy and connect with? Being able to collate, analyse, interpret and respond to the characteristics of your consumers or members allows you to develop a highly targeted approach to products, services and promotional activities.

Many businesses and organisations operate business strategies with one eye shut. They are making business decisions without fully understanding the behavours of their consumers. With the digital age it is getting easier and easier to collate data on their purchases, interests and progression through a digital platform.

So, how do you track and monitor your members behaviour? Manually or automatically?

Cloud marketing software such as salesforce or infusionsoft provide a great solution to generate leads, get new customers, close deals, sell, service, market and retain customers. It’s clever logic approach allows your to virtually track, analyse, respond and provide an emotional connection with your consumers, automatically. Cloud marketing software can segment consumers according to their behaviour and connect them with up-sells and service that relates to their appetite.

It’s important for businesses to reduce barriers through monitoring, interpreting, maximising the connection and understand consumer behaviour. Creating a consumer user profile that stores information on every purchase, page visit, interaction, and more is invaluable. Most businesses have a cumbersome approach that sees a decentralized approach to consumer information.

Ensure you are making strategic business decisions based on up-to-date evidence and feedback from your consumers.

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